Did you know your goals are limited by your beliefs?
A person experiencing depression,anxiety, or feeling stuck in their life will never fully move forward until certain mental roadblocks are overcome.
These roadblocks are often outdated or unhealthy beliefs that the person has subconsciously incorporated into their lives.
Our goals can only go as far as our belief systems will allow.
By the time we are 30 years old, we react to life 95% of the time automatically using the subconscious programs in our minds.
Most of these programs are created in our childhood before we have the questioning faculty in our mind as we try to make sense of life and our experience
If we don't learn the skills to recognize programs that don't serve us anymore and to 'consciously' create the programs in our subconscious mind, then we are left to automatically operate with the programs we inherited as children.
Is it time for an upgrade?
We upgrade our wardrobes, homes, cars, and even our phones.
It's time to upgrade our minds.
✅Change the belief systems holding you back
✅Consciously become aware of your self-talk and negative thoughts
✅Master the tools to overcome them
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Banking details
Capitec Bank
NEM Fakir
Account number 1371893878
Branch code 470010
Reference:name upgrade your mind
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Capitec bank
- Beneficiary Customer: Najiyya Ebrahim Mohamed Fakir
- Account Number/IBAN: 1371893878
- Account Name: Najiyya Ebrahim Mohamed Fakir
- Capitec Bank
- Branch Code/Sort/Routing: 470010
Should you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to contact me.
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