ATTENTION ATTENTION!! YOU CAN BREAK THROUGH THE FEAR!!! GET INTO A MONEY MINDSET SUCCESS IS 90% MINDSET AND 10% STRATEGY CHANGE YOUR MINDSET, CHANGE YOUR FINANCES 📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢 MONEY MINDSET CHALLENGE. GRAB THIS OFFER TODAY!!! You just need to take out 10 minutes of your time from your day and watch the recordings and do the tasks R199.00 Valued @ R500 Pay here paypal (international) FACILITATED BY NAZIA SALEY Transformational and mindset coach Emotional healing therapist Here's what some of the participants had to say about this challenge This was a beautiful challenge. I uncovered negative money beliefs. And realised how blessed and abundant I am. Thank you Nazia. It’s been awesome. الحمداللَّه Well presented. Valuable insights! I never expected this 10 day challenge to be so profound and so impactful. It’s been so interesting & also challenging but sos inspiring and there is so much of insight Masha Allah. To ...