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Emotional healing therapy is a process in which one rectifies emotional and psychological issues brought on by trauma. During these sessions, the emotional healing practitioner will use various tools and means through which to get to the root of the trauma thus positively changing the client's perceptions of themselves and the world around them, in so doing allowing them to heal not only emotionally and psychologically but spiritually and physically as well.
The most common tools of healing used in emotional healing are:
• Allowing the client to feel their emotions and like an onion get to the root of the issue
• Assisting the client with emptying out and letting go
• Removing emotional blockages keeping them stuck 
• Giving client tools and positive qualities
• Acceptance
• Self-awareness, encourages a person to dig deep and understand the root cause for emotions, thus learning to understand oneself.

With emotional healing, our aim is to assist the client deal and clearing the outward emotion as well as subconsciously on a cellular level
EHT is a process that assists in clearing the negative emotions and replacing them with positive as well as giving you tools that will assist you when the need arises should you be faced with similar issues, and ultimately help us to live our lives as we were really meant to be.
Therapy is available for clients from 6 years old
[ _*Heal your Mind, Heal your Body, Heal your Soul*_ ]

Sessions are done online 
Sessions are done on a one-one basis and are strictly confidential.

3 X Emotional healing therapy processing sessions

Emotional healing therapy is a process whereby we deal with certain traumas and issues by getting to the root of the issues and treating the cause, not the symptom.

Please complete and submit this form

Price $150 
Ramadhaan special
 Less 20%


Ramadhaan special 
for 3months

Ref Name and package
Once payment is made please send a message confirming your registration and payment to this 
and we will schedule our sessions

6X emotional healing therapy sessions and transformational coaching
Uncovering the blockages keeping you stuck your mindset and state
Learn and master the tools to help you grow, and live a life of peace, ease, and contentment.
Recordings and notes
Exercises and tasks designed to help you with self-growth


Less 20 %

Payment Plan
$90 pm for 3 months

Ramadan special 
Less 20%
$72 for 3 months 

Reference Name and package
Once payment is made please send a message confirming your registration and payment to this 
and we will schedule our sessions


•10 processing sessions and transformational coaching
Includes (all the above)

Ramadhaan special 
Less 20%

Payment Plan  

$100 for 3 months 

Reference Name and package

Once payment is made please send a message confirming your registration and payment to this 

And we will schedule our sessions 


So... I joined Nazia’s online course as I was intrigued more than anything. I also love learning and always feel that anything learned and practiced makes one happier in some way. 
It was well presented and had weekly exercises and homework. They really taught me a lot about myself. I especially loved the process. I didn’t realize how badly I needed it!  She was sweet, kind, and patient. She had the right words and encouragement. 
Waalaikum Salaam Nazia, Alhamdulillah all good. Shukr. Jazakallah for the amazing course. The most important thing that I'm taking away from your course is mindfulness. My biggest challenge is time. It is stressful, exhausting, and draining balancing work, home, and family commitments. In these 21 days,  I have practiced being present and this has helped reduce my anxiety. I am peaceful and focused. The best thing is that I'm seeing amazing beauty around me and appreciating it. Alhamdulillah. ❤💕 💕

This was a real wake-up call for me alhamdulillah. I have realized a lot about my unhealthy beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors...most importantly I am starting to recognize 😳...My behavior, even though I think I'm authentic, is definitely governed by 'labels'!!! My life had become truly overwhelming and everything I was doing was robotic...just moving through daily activities/responsibilities, to get through the day...

Alhamdulillah I am starting to realize just how distracted I am... working on being mindful is very hard for me coz my mind is all over the place, but now I am learning to refocus on the actual task at hand
Jazak'Allah kheyr for allowing me to be a part of this course and sharing this journey♥
I know that this is just the tip of the iceberg and I see myself as a work in progress now... slowly letting go of who I think I am/should be... and trying to uncover the true me♥

slm ....alhamdulila  ....loving every moment of present-moment awareness and silence it was hard initially and I thought I will just do it for salat and I realized how Islam teaches us present-moment awareness.....but what I loved the most was when I showered was the first time in my life I knew what I was doing and it was soon wow ....and as I washed each part I thanked Allah for that limb and made the duas we were taught while in madrasa when I washed my face I said oh Allah make my face shine on the d of q .... and what I realized was we taught present moment awareness in deen but we don't do it .....and yes we read the duas as a ritual but today was just sooooo different alhamdulillah ....jazakAllah naz u a star

This was the best 6 weeks, after a long time.
I've been feeling so low n down,,,
Almost into depression n having a relapse.
Your ad came n knocked at my door many times,
This day was my answer.
Allah accepted n used u Nazia to help me through many stuck areas in my life.
With all we learned, all the tools, trying to imply it,,,
You assisted me to see things deeper n differently, and you had patience with me n understood me,, I,
glad Allah opened a way for me from the comfort of my home to still continue to benefit,
, it's amazing.
May Allah continuously accept n use you to help many others
Continue n keep the courage, strength, good work n momentum

Alhamdulillah I can say this course was really beneficial and came at a time when I really needed it.

The weekly processes and tasks were an absolutely great blessing, and so apt and exactly what I needed at the right moment.

I felt so much better after each process and I'm still soaring on an absolute high, a week later and I feel great.

Nazia as always does a brilliant job.


Assalaamu alaikum, Nazia
I say Alhamdulillah for this course as I believe that you and this course were sent to me by Allah. He knew I really needed it.
I feel that I actually needed it many years ago, but Allah knew the best time, place, and person for it to happen with, Alhamdulillah.
It has helped me in numerous pertinent areas of my life and I realize more and more benefits and improvements as time passes, Alhamdulillah. 
The impact of the course has been so life-changing and enhancing that I really would like to repeat it, iA.
I thank you, Nazia, from the bottom of my heart for your time, commitment, patience, care & concern, and unselfish giving and sharing of yourself and your knowledge. 
JazaakiAllah khair katheeran.
May Allah take you from strength to strength, aameen 💝

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